Monday, March 19, 2012

Starting Anew

    Here I am, once again attempting to throwing my hat in the blogging arena. I was once here before, actually twice. My first to attempts were as an exclusively World of Warcraft blogger, or at least that was my intention. My first run went pretty well and lasted for over a year consisting of posts regarding my World of Warcraft Achievement hunting on my Rogue Occeleta, my altaholic ways and other random World of Warcraft nonsense.

    But then my computer died and at a time when I was getting bored with World of Warcraft anyways, so I didn't even bother fixing it and in turn gave up blogging, eventually deleting everything about it. And now someone else has picked up that former blog address for whatever nefarious means. Instead I back to my former love of console gaming and for the most part, the Assassin's Creed series where I spent a many nights playing Multiplayer.

    After almost a year, I have found myself missing some of my closest friends, as they were out of state and it was through World of Warcraft and Vent that we kept in touch, I finally fixed my computer. So once that was done I figured I would give World of Warcraft another shot and blogging along with it. That was short-lived as the few posts in it actually contained my other gaming escapades that kept me busy since I wasn't playing World of Warcraft. Well, I am back. And this time I will be sharing my random thoughts, personal achievements, WOW! moments and even raging rants on whatever gaming has my goat at that time.

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