Now that y'all are caught up to these events. After everyone logged off I kept playing. finding a night server. I decided to hit up the Hangers and Military tents. At some point actually encountered a player who was actually friendly. We went off our seperate ways. Well folks, I have something for you.
Yeah, I died. I had no backup, and it was dark, but the spawns inside those military tents were being brutal and I got overwhelmed thanks to a unlucky throw of a flare when I was trying to throw a tin can. Also, it got very laggy for me so I couldn't shoot for shit. From here, let's enter bullet mode.
Thursday Night.
- Spawned near Cherno
- Regeared myself with an AKS-74 Kobra and Revolver.
- Picked up ALICE pack and extra G17 for teammate without a pistol.
- Back to Balota Airfield and log off just outside in some trees.
- Logged in next to teammates, hooray for guessing their logoff positions correctly.
- Encountered unarmed survivor that wouldn't leave us alone, even after telling him to go away.
- Shot unarmed survivor in leg to send a message.
- Snipers took 2 of us out while messing with Military Tents.
- Found they were Ghosting. Exploiting Douchebags. I spotted someone and as soon as they spot me his body goes limp as if dead then dissappears.
- Immediately get fired upon by survivor but bandaged up and lived.
- Sniper fire ceases, our two killed teammates make their way back and pick up their shit.
- Leaving Airfield we find a tent camp, likely their for respawning. We loot it all, thank you owners.
- Make our way north, time to move on and away fromt he coast.
- Found a Zombie trap, a little building with a Zombie on a 10 second spawn timer.
- I shot a teammate due to crossfire. Tis no problem, thanks to camp tent, plenty of blood bags.
- Rubberbanding issues and barn checks, it's time to call it a night.
- AFTER some experimentation with zeroing in on My AKM that I eventually picked up to replace the Kobra. Also replaced Revolver with M1911. I just like that gun.
- Then watched videos on YouTube.
Anyways, here's what I've been finding on YouTube.
Also, check out these channels.
Acebane21: He's got some interesting videos. Not just entertaining but informational. Like his Reviews of the various weapons. Especially the Sniper ones, they help a lot with what to expect when longshotting.
EireBornFenix: Also has informational videos with images of what too look for. And it's thanks to him that I finally find a good site for Chernarus Maps @ I had one before but it's a huge file and is so slow to load and zoom and scroll around.
I've literally kept replaying this one a couple dozen times. I love the sigh.
Lol that last video was hilarious.